Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427

Texas Avigilon Camera Video Surveillance Systems

If you’re looking for state-of-the-art security solutions, look no further than Avigilon. Their camera and security products are easy to use and offer high-quality image capture, analysis, storage, and playback. Whether you’re looking to secure your home or business, Avigilon has the perfect solution for you. Their products are reliable and backed by world-class customer support, so you can rest assured that your property is safe and sound.

Security is a top priority for any business or home. There are many different security companies out there that offer a variety of solutions. However, not all security systems are created equal. Some lack features that are essential for a truly effective security system.

That’s why ICS offers a range of solutions from Avigilon that can be configured into a customized, integrated intelligent security system. With features like automatic event detection, pattern-based analytics, teach-by-example self-learning, appearance search, and even remote viewing on mobile devices, our system is designed to meet your specific needs.

ICS provides Avigilon solutions in Houston, Austin, San Antonio and across Texas.

Why ICS Offers Avigilon Products To Texas Businesses

Avigilon’s mission is to help keep people and communities safe. Their AI-powered security solutions are some of the best in the world and have been installed at thousands of customer sites around the world. From security cameras to video analytics, and access control solutions to cloud services, Avigilon’s solutions are top-of-the-line and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of any customer.

No matter what the challenge, Avigilon, and ICS are up to the task of helping to keep people, businesses and communities safe.

Avigilon Cameras In -

Avigilon Cameras

Avigilon cameras are some of the most advanced on the market, and the new H4 and H5 lines are no exception. These cameras provide high-definition video surveillance and security for nearly every operation and function, ensuring that you always have a clear view of what’s going on. The cameras use AI-based analytics to make sense of the images they capture, so you can quickly identify any potential threats or problems.

With Avigilon cameras, you’ll always have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your operations are well protected.

Another Global Pandemic: No Problem

In today’s climate, many organizations are looking for ways to increase the efficiency of their physical screening efforts. Avigilon’s thermal camera offers a contactless solution for pre-screening individuals for elevated skin temperature.

The H4 Elevated Temperature Detection will detect people with elevated skin temperatures and notify operators for further checks. This solution can help organizations to reduce the need for manual screening, as well as to improve the efficiency of their screening processes.

By using this technology, organizations can ensure that they are taking all necessary precautions to protect their employees, customers, and visitors.

How Many People Are In The Room?

Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running around, trying to keep track of everything that’s going on? Well, now there’s a solution for that! With AI-powered video analytics, you can track the number of people entering and leaving your store, office, or other space. The results are displayed in a cloud-based dashboard, so you can see traffic patterns, peak periods, and entry points that need extra attention. This is an incredibly valuable tool for any business owner or manager who wants to improve efficiency and optimize operations. No more guesswork – with AI-powered video analytics, you’ll always know what’s going on.

Ensure And Maintain Social Distancing

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever to enforce social distancing measures. However, doing so can be a challenge, especially in busy areas. Fortunately, AI-powered systems are being developed to help with this task. The same AI system helps you see if social distancing violations occur, as well as spot zones that require regular corrective measures. This system uses cameras and sensors to detect people and their movements. It then uses machine learning algorithms to identify social distancing violations. The system is still in development, but it has the potential to be a valuable tool in the fight against COVID-19.

Does Everyone Have Their Face Mask On?

Avigilon’s video analytics can also spot people who are not wearing face masks, allowing facility managers to take corrective action or provide further training and education. The system can also generate heat maps to show where people are congregating and whether they are maintaining a safe distance from one another. In addition, Avigilon’s video analytics can be used to monitor compliance with other safety protocols, such as hand-washing and sanitizing. As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, Avigilon’s video analytics offer a valuable tool for helping to keep people safe.

Front Line Worker Body Cameras

The use of security cameras has become increasingly common in recent years, as businesses and homeowners look for ways to deter crime. Now, a new generation of cameras is being developed that not only capture video evidence but can also help to deter aggression and violence. These cameras use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to detect suspicious behavior and can even issue verbal warnings to potential offenders. In addition, the footage from these cameras can be used by law enforcement to identify and apprehend suspects. As a result, these cameras have the potential to make our communities safer places to live.

Contact Tracing

Contact tracing can be a helpful tool in preventing the spread of disease. By tracking the movement of infected individuals, contact tracing can help you identify where they have been and who they have come into contact with. This information can be used to help prevent the further spread of disease by taking appropriate measures, such as disinfecting areas where the infected individual has been or isolating those who have come into contact with them. In addition, contact tracing can also help you identify any potential weaknesses in your facility’s security, such as doors that are not being properly monitored or areas that are not being adequately disinfected. By using contact tracing, you can help keep your facility safe and healthy.

Contact Tracing In Schools

As colleges and universities across the country begin to reopen, schools are looking for ways to keep their students, faculty, and staff safe. One way to do this is to implement a unified video security and access control solution. This type of system can help schools monitor every location where a potentially infected individual has been and who has been in their vicinity. By tracking this information, schools can quickly identify any potential outbreaks and take steps to containment. In addition, a unified security system can also help schools manage entry and exit points, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to campus buildings. With the right solution in place, colleges and universities can create a safer environment for everyone.

Mobile Patient Alerts

Avigilon’s mobile nurse call stations are outfitted with Avigilon Control Center software and security cameras. Their video analytics can notify staff about problems while reducing contact with infected patients. This system provides a much-needed early warning for potential outbreaks, as well as the peace of mind that comes with knowing that patients are being monitored around the clock. In addition, the use of security cameras in these stations helps to deter potential acts of violence against staff. Overall, the installation of Avigilon’s mobile nurse call stations is a step in the right direction for ensuring the safety of both patients and staff.

Appearance Search


Find what you’re looking for faster, over vast amounts of recorded video with ease.

Facial Recognition


Accelerate response times by quickly identifying people of interest.

Focus of Attention

Focus of

A new concept in video monitoring that brings a more intuitive way to consume information about potential security events.

License Plate Recognition

License Plate

Automatically reads license plate information from vehicles and links it to live and recorded video.

Next-Generation Video Analytics

Next‑Generation Video Analytics

State‑of‑the‑art deep learning algorithms designed to change the way video is monitored.

Self-Learning Video Analytics

Self‑Learning Video Analytics

Accurately recognizes the movements of people and vehicles while ignoring motion not relevant to a scene.

Unusual Activity Detection

Unusual Activity Detection

Edge‑based intelligence designed to enable detection of atypical activities.

Unusual Motion Detection

Unusual Motion Detection

Reveal events that might otherwise be missed.

Avigilon Continues To Improve Its Camera Technology

Avigilon, a leading provider of video security and surveillance solutions, is making several advancements in its technology.

Their latest high-resolution cameras, coupled with their artificial intelligence and video analytics systems, provide such solutions as appearance search, facial recognition, focus of attention, license plate recognition, unusual activity detection, and unusual motion detection. With these new additions, Avigilon is quickly becoming the go-to choice for businesses and organizations looking to improve their security and surveillance systems.

Thanks to its cutting-edge technology, Avigilon is leading the way in the video security and surveillance industry.

Explosion Protected Cameras

Avigilon has released a new line of H5A explosion-protected cameras, which are suitable for hazardous environments like the oil and gas industry, mining, and industrial sites.

The H5A includes support for Avigilon Appearance Search technology, as well as the new Unusual Activity Detection, which can highlight abnormal activity, such as the unusual location or abnormal speed of a person’s movement. The H5A line of cameras is designed to resist explosions and can withstand temperatures up to 1,000 degrees Celsius.

With this new release, Avigilon is providing a solution for businesses that operate in potentially dangerous environments. This camera line is sure to improve safety for employees and help businesses avoid costly accidents.

New Body Worn Camera Technologies

The new integration between VideoTag body-worn cameras and the Avigilon Control Center is a game-changer for security personnel. Now, when specific types of incidents take place, the camera’s live video feed will automatically display on the control center screen, and an alert will be sent to security personnel. This way, they can quickly respond to the situation. The integration between the two systems is seamless, and it’s sure to make a big impact on the efficiency of security operations.

Self Learning Technologies

This cutting-edge video analytics system is unlike anything else on the market. Its advanced pattern-based analytics can recognize the movements of people and vehicles, while ignoring any motion or activity that isn’t relevant to a scene. This makes it incredibly accurate and efficient. What’s more, the AI system’s teach-by-example object classifier technology lets you teach the system about false alarms. It then learns to better identify them, so it can lower its false-positive rate. Over time, the system learns the scene and can prioritize important events based on user feedback. This is truly a revolutionary product that will change the way we do video surveillance.

Avigilon Cloud Services Platform

The Avigilon Cloud Services (ACS) platform is a game-changer for security and surveillance. It connects your Avigilon Control Center (ACC) to the cloud, which lets you remotely access your system via a web browser or the ACC mobile app. This gives you centralized access across multiple sites, if you have more than one site. ACS also includes system health monitoring and maintenance services. All of this adds up to greater peace of mind and increased efficiency. No more worrying about whether your system is up and running – ACS and ICS have you covered.

Selecting The Correct Avilgon Camera For Texas Businesses

Avigilon’s products and solutions are designed to work in a variety of different industries and applications. From agriculture to airports, banking to education, gaming to government, healthcare to mining, oil & gas to ports, public-private partnerships to retail, stadiums to utilities, Avigilon has a solution that can meet your needs. And because Avigilon’s products are constantly evolving, you can be sure that you’re getting the latest and greatest technology to help you achieve your goals. So whether you’re looking for a simple security camera or a comprehensive security system, Avigilon has the right solution for you.

When it comes to security, you can never be too careful. That’s why Avigilon’s security solutions are so trusted – because they’re reliable and innovative. With ICS, you’ll have access to the best of the best when it comes to Avigilon security cameras, infrastructure, software, and access control. You’ll be able to take advantage of various monitoring capabilities, including Appearance Search, Smart Notifications, and occupancy counting. In other words, you’ll be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that your premises are secure. Contact ICS today to learn more about how we can help you find the right security solution for your needs.

ICS Is Here To Assist With All Your Avigilon Services

ICS is a full-service provider of security solutions, offering everything from hardware and software to installation and monitoring. The company is headquartered in San Antonio, but its services extend to all of Texas, including the major cities of Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. ICS works with a variety of partners to provide complete security system solutions that meet the specific needs of its customers. Whether it’s a simple CCTV setup or a more complex access control system, ICS has the experience and expertise to get the job done right. And because ICS offers both products and services, customers can be confident that they’re getting the best possible value for their investment. So if you’re looking for a complete security solution, make sure to contact ICS today.


How can ICS help me find the right security solution for my needs?

ICS is a full-service provider of security solutions, offering everything from hardware and software to installation and monitoring. The company is headquartered in San Antonio, but its services extend to all of Texas, including the major cities of Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. ICS works with a variety of partners to provide complete security system solutions that meet the specific needs of its customers. Whether it's a simple CCTV setup or a more complex access control system, ICS has the experience and expertise to get the job done right. And because ICS offers both products and services, customers can be confident that they're getting the best possible value for their investment. So if you're looking for a complete security solution, make sure to contact ICS today.

What is the Avigilon Cloud Services Platform?

The Avigilon Cloud Services (ACS) platform is a game-changer for security and surveillance. It connects your Avigilon Control Center (ACC) to the cloud, which lets you remotely access your system via a web browser or the ACC mobile app. This gives you centralized access across multiple sites, if you have more than one site. ACS also includes system health monitoring and maintenance services. All of this adds up to greater peace of mind and increased efficiency. No more worrying about whether your system is up and running – ACS and ICS have you covered.

What is the Avigilon Control Center?

The Avigilon Control Center (ACC) is a powerful, easy-to-use video management software that gives you complete control over your security system. With ACC, you can view live and recorded video from multiple cameras, create custom views, receive alerts, and more. ACC is available as a web-based application or as a mobile app, so you can access it from anywhere.