Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427

IT companies in HoustonHouston has one of the best markets for small businesses and is considered one of top 10 cities in the nation for entrepreneurs. However, even a small business could be a target for cyberattacks. According to a report by Keeper Security and the Ponemon Institute, 50% of small businesses have been breached in the past 12 months, but IT companies in Houston can help prevent hackers from getting their hands on any of your digital assets with easy and manageable steps that your small business can afford.

Here are some strategies that your Houston business can use today:

Comprehensive Risk Analysis

The first step that any business, small or large, should take towards cyber security is to assess the areas of their cyber security that are vulnerable to attack. To the untrained, this might seem like a daunting task, but many IT companies in Houston are experts at consultations like this to determine what areas of your system, like confidential information, need to be protected more. At the same time, these companies can make sure that your security software is up-to-date and maintained on all of your company’s devices as soon as they have analyzed any potential risks.

Don’t Keep All of Your Data in One Place

One common method of attack for cyber thieves is to take your data and lock it away so that you must pay them to get it back. If you don’t, the data essentially remains inaccessible and must be ransomed off before you can get it back. The easiest way that your company can avoid this is to have a safe way to back up your data. This backup can be as simple as cloud storage, but having multiple secure copies of your data prevents cyber thieves from taking your data hostage.

Educate Your Employees on Cyber Security

While software is a valuable tool in preventing cyber breaches, it is only useful in the right hands. Your employees represent a potential weakness that hackers exploit too often to get your valuable data. IT companies are often available to help educate your employees in proper cyber security. From basic things like proper password security and proper Internet usage guidelines to more complex security risks like phishing emails, educating your employees can dramatically minimize your cyber security risks.

Secure Your Mobile Devices

When people think of cyber breaches, they often assume that it’s a computer or server breach. However, in the age of smartphones, your mobile devices can be another point of attack that is overlooked. By securing mobile devices, especially for those who are expected to use mobile devices for business, you ensure that hackers have one less option to attack your company.
With more and more small businesses experiencing cyber breaches, good cyber security practices are more important than ever. Make sure you utilize the right one from a pool of IT companies in Houston to prevent any cyberattacks. At ICS, we are available to take your company’s security to the next level. Don’t wait— secure your company’s assets today! Contact us for more information.