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Business Telephone Services For Organizations Throughout Texas

  • Are Your Video Calls a Bit Fuzzy or Slow?
  • Are Remote Teams Having a Hard Time with Collaboration?
  • Do Phone Calls Follow Humans — or Vice Versa?
  • Do You Have More Than One Location or Remote Employees?
  • Are your telephones missing some key functionality that businesses need in 2019 and beyond?

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Business Telephone Technology!

Your staff and your customers may be interested in cutting the cord to their traditional phone systems, but how can you tell it’s time for an upgrade? The trend away from wired telephones towards mobile devices has been growing dramatically in the past decade, with residential service taking a major plunge to around 17% of overall telecommunications spending in 2017. With the price of communications continuing to drop and high-tech solutions offering greater quality, many organizations decide that it might be time for an upgrade to their business telephony. Here are a few signs that it’s time to take the plunge and consider some of the newer options on the market today.

Your business deserves to have stable and reliable telephony solutions that allow your staff to be highly productive while providing an excellent experience for your customers. Dropped calls, slow video connections and poor reception shouldn’t be part of your business infrastructure. With the latest releases in software and hardware, you can ensure that your staff stays securely connected regardless of their physical location.

Business Telephone Services

Video conferencing solutions to extend your phone communications

Video conferencing is increasingly seen as a way to reduce the cost of travel while still interacting live with people in different parts of the country — and the world. Outsourcing of software development, writing and more are in full effect but that does require a bit more coordination than you can do via email or even secure instant messaging. If you’re noticing a large number of dropped calls, sudden stops or latency in your videos and difficulty using your current teleconferencing software, it is probably time to investigate some of the newer options that allow for crystal-clear messaging, intuitive software interfaces and reduced costs for your conferencing, too.

Integrated telecommunication technology for your Texas business

Telecommunications technology encompasses so much more than simple phone calls or even video calls. It could also include integrated chat, file storage, connections to major productivity software solutions, collaboration tools and more. Even teams within the same building can have a difficult time connecting in real-time, making telephony solutions a vital part of your business operations infrastructure. Secure chat is in high demand in today’s businesses, with individuals seeing it as a way to remain productive by getting quick answers to easy questions. If you’re still using older technology for your telecommunications, it’s a good possibility that there are added steps that could be draining productivity from your teams.

Business Telephony if you have more than one location or remote employees

No one likes to come back into the office with several voice mail messages to return, which is why many modern telephony systems provide solutions that allow your phone calls to follow your workers by re-routing to appropriate staff members or sending calls directly to a mobile phone. Having the complex switching software and easy-to-use business rules available for your team can help improve customer service for your clients while also reducing downtime and frustration for staff members. If you are still dealing with phones that need to be manually reset or require excessive steps to program, it’s probably time to speak with your local telecommunications technology experts to see if there’s a better option for your business.

Future-proof business telephone services

Traditional phone systems don’t manage multiple locations or remote employees without a fair amount of configuration and programming that has to be reviewed on a regular basis and updated when changes are made. With updated telecommunications platforms, you and your IT services team are able to handle remote locations and employees with ease as long as there’s an available connection to the cloud. Workers are more mobile than ever before, and need to know that they have access to the same high-quality telephony in a remote office or while they’re traveling that they have when hard-wired inside their office building.

Want to see how some of the latest options in telecommunications can benefit your business?

Contact your business telephone services experts at ICS today at 833-568-9353 to schedule your free initial consultation or fill out our quick online form for more information.