Houston (281) 807-2700
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Houston IT companiesChances are that, by now, you have been acquainted with the latest buzzword in the field of IT. Cloud computing has gained prominence among both the practitioners and customers in the field of IT; it is considered to be an innovative solution for businesses of all sizes. If you have a small or medium-sized business, it is important for you to find an MSP among the Houston IT companies offering cloud computing services, and partner with them for the betterment of your growing business.

Why is Hybrid Cloud the Best Solution for Your Business?

Controlling some aspect of your business is important, especially for businesses that are at the seed and start-up phases of their growth. Hybrid cloud gives you the ability to enjoy cloud solutions that are both on- and off-premise. Embracing hybrid cloud solutions offered by Houston IT companies will let you enjoy the scalability, flexibility, speed, and cost-saving aspects of the cloud.

How Is This Possible?

Glad you asked. What your MSP will do is to set up your local server, which can be housed on your premise and be managed by you or your in-house IT team, then have some crucial files backed up in the cloud. In the event that your local server is rendered inoperable or is hacked or you lose data, you can easily recover your mission-critical data and files from the cloud server. Convinced of the need to have this innovative solution? If yes, here are two tips on how you can develop a hybrid cloud strategy for your growing business:

  • Audit your current IT strategy – Before adding a new IT solution, it is important that you start by auditing how your current IT is performing. This will give you an on how to use the new IT solution to complement and strengthen your current IT solution.
  • Decide on what you would like to keep close and what can be sent to the cloud – Since hybrid cloud allows you the flexibility of keeping some of your files in your local files and sending others to the cloud, it is important for you to choose which ones will remain in your local servers and which ones will be sent to the cloud servers.


At ICS, we are among the leading Houston IT companies dedicated to helping companies design and implement their hybrid cloud strategies. Contact us now and let us walk you through this process.