Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427

Few industries are as fast-paced as the oil and gas industry. When opportunities arise, money is either made or lost by how quickly you respond. At ICS, we understand these challenges and offer a broad range of IT and communications services to help your business run more smoothly and give you back the time you can spend interacting with your customers or seeking out new opportunities.

IT Services Oil Gas -

IT and communications services for the oil and gas industry

We’d like to share a real-life example with you. One of our clients in the oil and gas industry was moving to a business office. While they had relied on our IT and business phone services for years, they used a local provider for their Internet and landline services. When it came near to the move day, that local provider had still not gotten in touch with them about the move. We went ahead and moved their phone system and relocated 16 business lines and a fax line. However, we weren’t able to check the accuracy of the lines without the local technician onsite. To make this move work seamlessly for our client, our technician waited for the other company’s technician to make sure that the company’s phone services were up and running when the office staff moved in. We do this kind of thing all of the time. It’s part of want we like to think sets us apart from other IT service companies. Our client feels the same. They offered the following comment about our service,

“One of the biggest things to look for when choosing a provider for something as important as communications is how quickly they will come when you have problems. ICS helped us with our move and has always been very attentive to our calls. They are a trusted company, and I would recommend them to other businesses in Houston.”

Just a few of the many IT services we provide include…

  • Strategic IT Planning. We like to think of ourselves as your chief information officer. Whether you’re just starting out in the oil and gas business or you’ve been in business for generations, we’ll set your systems up to succeed and allow you to grow painlessly without any IT downtime or server issues.
  • Relocation services. When it’s time to move to larger headquarters or to open a branch location, we make sure that your computers, communication equipment and other IT needs are up and running as soon as your ready to open the doors. We understand that moving can be a hassle; we make sure that your IT services are not something you have to worry about.
  • Cloud services. Cloud storage allows you to access your data from any device with Internet access, safely and securely. That means you can collaborate and share files with colleagues in your office while you or they are on the road. It also means you don’t have to dedicate space for bulky servers or worry about a flood or a fire erasing your irreplaceable records.
  • Wireless networking. The oil and gas business is very competitive and the last thing you want is for your rivals to gain access to your proprietary information over a carelessly configured wireless network. At ICS, we are ever mindful of your security needs and will set up, regularly maintain and update your wireless network when necessary so that you and your authorized employees always have the files you need without leaving your sensitive business and client information open to hackers.
  • Hardware and software recommendation and sales. You’re the expert when it comes to oil and gas drilling and sales opportunities. However, that doesn’t necessarily make you a tech expert. At ICS, we’re happy to listen to your IT and communications needs and recommend the products–both hardware and software–that will be best meet those needs. After we’ve been working together for a little while, we can even anticipate your needs and make sure that you always have the equipment you need just before you need it.

To learn more about how we can help your oil and gas company operate more securely and efficiently with quality IT and communications services, visit ICS today or contact us at https://www.ics-com.net. We’ve been helping companies like yours with their IT needs for more than 20 years.