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IT services San AntonioIT services providers in San Antonio have seen an increasing demand for cloud computing solutions, and it’s no wonder— cloud computing reduces costs while expanding operational ability. These things combine to increase security effectiveness and make businesses more competitive. Interestingly enough, such advantages constitute only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cloud computing. In terms of storage, processing, and discovery, the cloud is facilitating new breakthroughs very regularly.

All these advantages are there for the taking, regardless of the size of your business. Properly conducted cloud computing solutions have a high aptitude of making your small business a true competitor among larger operations offering similar solutions. If you’re burgeoning or just reaching an established position, the cloud is more integral for you than larger, more established enterprises. Here are the reasons why:

  • Scalability
  • Integrated, standardized operations
  • Expanded performance and better support


An IT services provider in San Antonio that can help your business make the cloud switch is more apt to ease scalability. With the cloud, you’re already going to have “cushion” in terms of space and processing availability. When scaling up becomes necessary, all you’ve got to do is increase your monthly storage and processing allotment. Without the cloud, it’s very expensive to scale up, as you must acquire new equipment, software, space, etc.

Integrated and Standardized Operations

Without cloud computing, you’re likely not going to have purely standardized technology. Since your business is in development if you’re in the SMB phase, that which isn’t standardized will continue to divert from the norm. Here’s a crude example: say your sales division uses Windows devices, and your design division uses Apple devices. Say the two departments must interface. Files will be unreadable between platforms, and it’s a big headache. With everybody standardized on the cloud, all departments can integrate while retaining boundaries and reducing cost of translation protocols.

Expanded Performance and Better Support

With integrated, standardized, expedient tech operations, your regular tech performance is apt to experience notable expansion. Technology support in terms of cloud computing is much greater from an external provider than internal non-cloud tech solutions can be for an SMB. Costs of requisite IT are too high–it’s the difference between doing all car repairs internally and working with a professional mechanic.

Determining If Cloud Is Right for You

IT services experts in San Antonio recommend the cloud. If you haven’t considered this means of tech facilitation yet, at ICS, we can give you all necessary information and help you figure out where cloud innovation best fits your operation. Contact us now for more information.