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managed IT services San AntonioA managed IT services provider in San Antonio can help your business recover any compromised emails accounts. However, many companies fail to realize that their password information has been stolen. Fortunately, an IT provider can help you see if your account has been compromised by searching through an information database that hackers and malicious software have released publicly. Simply entering an email address or domain name will help your company identify any compromised email accounts. If your email account has been hacked, here three ways that an IT provider can help you secure your email address:

1. Identify the Source

The first step in securing your email address is to identify the source of the attack. Did the hacker use an automated program or did they individually hack into your account? Simply changing your password is the easiest way to secure your account from an automated program, as it is unable to make any changes to your account besides sending spam messages. However, it is slightly more difficult if a real person hacked into your account because they most likely changed your password. Instead, you will have to use the “Forgot your password?” link and answer a security question to reset your password.

2. Analyze Account Information

Another way that a managed IT services provider in San Antonio can help you recover an employee’s email address is through analyzing the account information from a recovered email account. For example, an IT provider can identify any changes in information or if they used your address to send out spam messages to other contacts. A thorough analysis of your account will give you vital information that will help you determine the severity of the attack.

3. Protect Other Accounts

Many employees use the same password and username for multiple accounts, which is a huge security vulnerability. However, an IT provider can help each employee create a unique password for multiple accounts. Social media accounts are especially vulnerable, as hackers can gain valuable information and hack into other accounts by spreading their malicious software from one user to another.

Hackers can significantly disrupt a company’s email, so it is essential to partner with a managed IT services provider in San Antonio that can minimize these dangers and help you recover each account. ICS is an IT provider that focuses on cybersecurity and helping businesses avoid losing valuable information due to hacking. Our IT technicians are always available! Contact us now to know how we can help you recover an email account.