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managed IT services San AntonioShortened URLs have been in existence for some time now. Some managed IT services providers in San Antonio refer to them as shortened links while others call them “tiny URLs.” In most cases, these links are used on social media platforms with a limited number of characters such as Twitter, but their use is now spreading beyond these areas.

It is true that some links are too long and ungainly, which may make them hard to view on a given page. Likewise, when posting to sites such as Twitter with a limited number of character requirements, link shortening is justifiable. However, you should not forget the risks posed by these short links. If you look at a short link, you cannot tell exactly where it is leading you. It does not leave any indication of the site or page that you are going to land in.

When you are looking at the normal link, you can tell the final destination. This means that you can even ignore it if you realize it is not necessary or safe. The short link may be a threat to your data security. Most cybercriminals are now using shortened links to trick unsuspecting users into clicking. Once you click on the malicious link, then it becomes hazardous as it may launch malware on your device.

According to managed IT services providers in San Antonio, cybercriminals are increasingly using these shortened links to hide their malware links, which they use for phishing attacks.

Guarding Against Short Links

Before clicking on some random short link that you probably spot on a certain media site, you should first find out whether the link is harmless. Use a link expansion service to help you determine and decide whether the destination site is something you really want to visit or not.

Fortunately, there are many tools and tools that can help you uncover the destination of any shortened link without having to click or visit that site in the first place. An example of a link expansion service is CheckShortURL.com. Simply copy the link that you wish to explore and paste it there to see the destination.

Always be proactive. Be cautious when you receive an unusual email with a shortened link. Cybercriminals like to camouflage their malicious links in shortened URLs. You want to ensure that your business data is secure, and it is best to seek the services of a managed IT services provider in San Antonio to achieve the same. Contact us at ICS and let our experts help you to stay safe.