Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427

Do You Have A Plan For “Unwinding” From The COVID-19 Pandemic?

After three months of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s likely that your business has gotten into a rhythm with remote work. However, while we don’t know specifically when the pandemic will end, it will certainly conclude at some point – do you know how your business will proceed then?

You don’t necessarily have to return to the way it was before – in fact, according to 317 CFOs recently surveyed by Gartner, 74% of CFOs say they expect to move previously on-site employees to full-time remote work post-COVID-19.

What’s your plan for unwinding after the pandemic? Check out our latest video to learn more:



3 Components Of An Effective Post-COVID-19 Plan

In planning your partial or full return to work after the pandemic dies down, there are three main questions you should be asking yourself:

What Changes Did You Make To Work Processes That Should Be Kept?

Whether you plan to continue with remote work or not, if you implemented new practices for time management, communication, or other workplace priorities that helped to boost productivity and engagement, then you should continue with them.

What Changes Did You Make To Work Processes That Should Not Be Kept?

On the other hand, if you found that some new processes or the nature of remote work itself led to delays and lowered productivity, there’s no reason to keep them going. This is especially important when you’re determining who on your team will continue with remote work. If someone did not thrive in the remote setting, you should bring them back into the office as soon as you can.

Are You Ready For A Second Wave Of The Pandemic?

Although you may be able to bring your staff into the office at some point, it’s important not to forget all the hard lessons learned during this pandemic. A second wave is a distinct possibility, and so, you need to make sure you have a viable remote work plan in place that can be launched quickly.

Do You Have The Right IT Support For Remote Work?

Your staff’s productivity depends entirely upon how effective your IT support is. Your IT services support several key processes in the remote setting:

  • Access to files, applications, and systems
  • The ability to collaborate with colleagues, partners, and customers via video conferencing solutions
  • Confident security against the increased rate of pandemic-related phishing attacks
  • Maintenance of communications with cloud-based phone systems that keep staff connected

The real question is: are you sure internal IT support is the best way to manage a remote environment?

If you’re looking for support that’s better equipped for the future of your business, consider working with the ICS team today. We can show you why outsourced IT services are better prepared to support your business.

Click here to get in touch with our experts or call us at our offices in:

Houston(281) 962-3058

San Antonio(210) 305-4087

Austin(512) 253-4135