Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427

IT services HoustonIT services in Houston can provide you the same kind of utility an on-site CIO offers but at cheaper rates. An on-site CIO will cost you from $50k to the $300k-the variable is just a fraction of the price depending on the responsibilities at hand. Instead, you can simply source a vCIO for far less than $50k. Even if you have an on-site CIO and decide to go for the vCIO approach, you can still experience savings without liquidating your existing CIO. This is because the vast majority of issues your business will face can be resolved remotely if you hire a vCIO.

Instead of focusing on the operations of the company, your on-site CIO is continuously trying to catch up with IT problems. This individual is troubleshooting and fixing issues continuously to sustain your system. Your system will not optimize at the speed it should. Why not hire a vCIO to handle the little things for your internal CIO, so that he or she can innovate, expand, and optimize your internal operations. As a tool, this individual can be used more effectively. Ultimately, it is a win-win situation and even a larger business can benefit from a vCIO.

Some CIOs may view vCIOs as a potential threat to their jobs. This is not true because most businesses usually retain their CIOs even after bringing on board any kind of IT services in Houston. However, in the on-site CIO’s mind, the threat is still there. This means you can have some conflicts if you are looking to make the vCIO transition and you already have an established CIO. This is especially true if that individual does not have a “full” workload.

Specific vCIO Benefits

Here is some of the benefits that you are likely to have once you hire a vCIO to undertake and monitor your IT work:

  • Gap Recognition
  • Compliance
  • Systems Migration and Integration


A vCIO generally deals with or has dealt with a greater diversity of clients than an internal CIO has. This means they have seen unique systems, and can quickly identify situations when operational issues may prevent conventional service, or at the very least prevent it. These “gaps” can be filled by a vCIO often more conveniently and effectively than through a CIO who is bound by your business’s size.

In addition, a vCIO will have more information pertaining to current compliance requirements in a legal sense. Compliance issues always arise, and if you fail to observe them, your business is likely to experience hefty fines. A Vcio will come in handy to handle such issues.

Finally, when it comes to system integration and migration, the diverse experience of a professional vCIO working through a managed services agency will help your business grow. Integration of new systems will be streamlined, and migrating from an on-site server array to the cloud can be done painlessly.

Upgrading Your Infrastructure

IT services in Houston through ICS not only provides you with technical support, innovation, and upgrades but can also offer vCIO services that will optimize your operation. Contact us to see how incorporation of a vCIO can save time and money while providing a more cohesive support for your systems.