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Managed IT For HIPAA Compliance And Medical Firms

If you have been working in the healthcare sector for more than a decade, then you know how much technology has changed over time.

The way you store and access healthcare information, the use of interconnected medical devices, etc. – it has all contributed to a higher quality of care, benefitting both the healthcare professional and the patient.

Almost every aspect of healthcare today is integrated with technology – that is why you need to take IT management seriously. Can you do so on your own?

The Importance Of Managed IT For Medical Firms

The bottom line is that you are too busy managing your staff and caring for your patients to also oversee your IT. Doing so requires time and expertise that you likely do not possess.

No one can be an expert at everything. That is why it makes so much sense to outsource your IT to a Managed IT provider that specializes in medical firms.

Just like selecting a healthcare provider, choosing the correct Managed IT provider is an important decision. The IT company that you choose to rely on must have experience in the healthcare industry, be truly dependable, and wholly capable of running your systems efficiently Otherwise, workflow, productivity, and patient care can be put at risk. Think of it this way, you would not visit an orthopedic surgeon to diagnose and repair your heart. You need a company that specializes in your field and business practices.

What Are The Consequences Of Poorly Managed IT?

When it comes to the healthcare & medical field, information technology remains focused on two goals: Allowing your staff to be productive without disruption and making sure your patients’ confidential information is always secure and meets HIPAA regulatory standards.

Poorly managed IT will keep you from reaching those goals and present a number of key pain points:

  • Ineffective & Unavailable Support: There is nothing more frustrating than a Managed IT team that is not available when you need them. Whether they leave the phone ringing or refuse to respond to emails and tickets, it is simply unacceptable that those in charge of your technology cannot be reached for support.
  • Ongoing Downtime: Whether it is a slow server that will not let you access shared company files or a buggy email client that leaves you unsure whether your messages are actually being sent, when your computers are not working, you are not working.
  • Impermanent Solutions: Poorly maintained computers are often vulnerable to downtime, viruses, and cyber-attacks. All of these items can lead to HIPAA fines, loss of business and loss of productivity.
  • Negatively Affected Patient Care: If you cannot work as quickly or as effectively as you should be, it is only a matter of time before that affects your quality of care. And there is nothing worse than faulty technology affecting the quality of your patient care.

What Should You Look For In Managed IT For Medical Firms?

With the right IT company supporting your IT systems, you can improve the efficiency of your workforce and gain the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your patients are always protected.

  • HIPAA Compliance: With the right IT service company, you can operate your medical practice knowing that you are compliant with HIPAA rules and regulations. Does your IT company go through third-party HIPAA training? Do they have a compliance officer? A good IT company that specializes in the medical industry will make sure that everything from IT policies and procedures to Security Risk Analysis are performed.
  • Scalable Service: Regardless of whether you are a new practice with only a few employees, or an established, multi-location healthcare business, the right IT company can help make your IT work more efficiently. They can develop foundational IT infrastructure and practices for new startups just as they can help simplify complex legacy environments for older companies.
  • Reliable Technology: Inadequate IT will affect every aspect of your practice. Poor support always results in system downtime, which keeps your employees from getting their work done, which in turn keeps your patients from getting what they need. The right IT company will ensure that your IT always works as expected so that you and your employees do not have to stop working while an issue is being addressed.
  • Secured Data: With a range of security measures including email encryption, user authentication, anti-virus, and anti-ransomware software, firewalls, and more, the right IT company will make sure your patient data is safe from digital threats.
  • Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: The right IT company will make sure that all your information and applications are backed up for quick recovery.

Do not make the mistake of assuming your healthcare organization can properly manage their IT support in Houston without the right skills and resources. Offload your tech concerns by investing in managed IT for medical firms today.

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